Bird Mess Removal - Scrub & Shine South West

07946 602786

Bird Mess Removal

Birds such as pigeons and seagulls are not restricted to city centre monuments or coastal areas. In fact, you will find these birds all around you. They are instantly recognisable from the noises that they make and their general presence but perhaps another notable sign is the mess that they leave in their path. Bird mess, or guano to give it its proper name, can be a real problem for a number of reasons. We take a look at the issues that it can cause if not addressed and why Plymouth bird mess removal is so important.

Where do Birds Nest?

It’s fair to say, the roof of your house is more exposed than the rest of the property to the elements and can take quite a battering from the extremes in weather that we experience, especially in coastal areas like Plymouth. Unless we look up, or see our property from a distance, we don’t tend to notice how grimy and dirty it has become. In fact, over time, it’s fair to say that we forget what the original colour was, or how much the roof has actually weathered.

One of the most hospitable environments for algae to grow is on your roof. Imagine how slippery and slimy your patio or decking gets once the sun/rain combination provides the perfect environment for algae to grow. This is even more prominent on the roof. it’s not just algae either, it can also encourage the growth of moss as you can see in the following photos.

Birds Mess Causes Damage to Property

The trouble with guano is that its very acidic. Birds have a very low water level in their bodies as they need to weigh as little as possible to achieve flight. This means that their poop is very acidic. In fact, the white paste like element is uric acid with little water content. It can damage the facades of buildings and paint work on cars. It’s a problem that won’t go away either. First, you need to address the bird problem, then you need to clean up the birds mess preferably using a professional Plymouth bird mess removal company.

Risk to Health

Bird droppings can also spread numerous diseases including E-coli and Salmonella. In fact, bird droppings can harbour as many as 60 diseases! These are not just a risk to human health but also livestock if birds are nesting in barns for example. When it dries, it can get swept up by the wind and blown into air vents etc.

If the birds are on your roof, it can get into your chimney stack and into your home or it can find it’s way in to your roof space below. This is not good. The last thing you want to do is breathe in the spores of bird guano. Bird mess is also host to ectoparasites. These parasites can work their way through structures to infest and bite the people inside. These include bed bugs and yellow mealworms

Treat the Cause with Professional Bird Control

In order to deal with the problem first to need to treat the cause. Bird control measures need to be put in place to  rid your property of these birds. As it is illegal to interfere with any birds nests, it is essential to call in the professionals. We recommend Falcon Environmental Services for any bird control and bird proofing work. Once the problem is resolved, then you need to get rid of the bird mess, disinfect and sanitise the area and make sure all traces are professionally removed.

How We Can Help

After professional cleaning and disinfection

We offer a professional Plymouth bird mess removal service which will get rid of all traces of bird mess and disinfect the area. We also cover much further afield across Devon and are happy to travel. Take a look at a recent bird mess removal project we did in Exeter. If you have a problem with bird mess, please get in touch. We will be only too happy to help. Call 01752 525602 or 07946602786

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